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Winnipeg Electrician Firm Braced For Exponential Growth As Federal Government Invests In Electric Vehicle Chargers

May 14, 2021

WINNIPEG, Canada - Powertec Electric Inc., one of the largest and most successful electrician firms in Winnipeg, Canada, is bracing itself for exponential growth as the country prepares for the huge switch to electric-powered vehicles. Ottawa recently announced a $155,000 investment to Eco-West Canada so the company can install 31 Level 2 electric vehicle charges in the province. This is likely to be the first of many such investments, and Powertec is well-placed to assist with what will be a huge and unprecedented project. 

In addition to the federal government, many private homeowners will opt to install an electric car charger at home for convenience and to ensure that they have a fully charged vehicle at the start of every day. In much the same way as people have got into the habit of charging their phones overnight, this will become the new norm for car owners. 

“As an electrical company, we are very excited about the future, with governments and car manufacturers pushing the switch to electric vehicles,” said Daniel Lacovetsky. “Although the federal government is investing heavily in electric vehicle chargers, as more and more electric vehicles hit the road, the demand is going to soar. We are already ensuring that all of our electricians are fully trained in the installation of electric vehicle chargers, and we are expecting to be extremely busy over the next decade and beyond.” 

Powertec Electric Inc. provides a variety of electrician services for residential, commercial, and industrial customers. They get the job done, and they don’t just meet expectations – they exceed them! Their customers keep coming back because they are dependable, knowledgeable, and pleasant to work with. Their high-quality workmanship and fair prices make them the perfect choice for every project. For more information about the company and the various services that they provide, visit their website at https://www.powertec.ca.

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